
         Just so people are aware. Scars along with many   other PBDAA fish is now electronically chipped. It works   just like  having your cat or dog chipped, It helps the club   keep track of the fish and is also helpful for distinguishing   different fish(this applies more to commons). But it's also   helpful in the event  that  anyone suspects fish are or have   been moved and stolen fromthe  PBDAA waters. Each fish   has a unique chip which belongs to the club and can easily   be scanned to prove ownership, allowing the club to   proceed with  prosecution                    

                                                                By Gav Cross                                                                                                                                                                     BY Gav Cross

                                                                                                                                                                                         BY Gav Cross

The Pendle Burnley and  District  Angling  Association splashed out on a  sign for  Rowley Lake in Brun Valley Forest Park

KEEN anglers have splashed out to improve one of Burnley's parks.

The Pendle Burnley and District Angling Association donated £300 to install two colourful information panels on a wheelchair accessible fishing platform at the Rowley Lake in Brun Valley Forest Park.

The educational signs feature life above and below water, including various birds, fish, insects, and plants which can all be seen in the park.

These range from grey herons and kingfishers to common eels and dragonflies.

Richard Burrow, chairman of thePendle Burnley and   Anglers Association, said: "We are delighted to see these panels which provide information in an attractive way.

"They help to educate anglers and the public on the great biodiversity we have here at Rowley Lake.

"We look forward to continuing this harmonious relationship with Burnley Council and the Friends of Rowley Lake."

This work complements the signage and footpath improvements that have been taking place in order to make the park more accessible and enjoyable.

Cllr John Harbour, the council’s executive member responsible for greenspaces, said: "The new signs look fantastic and are the result of a great partnership work with local community groups.

"I would like to thank Pendle Burnley and District anglers for their kind donation, which will encourage more families to explore the great outdoors in Burnley."

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            GOOD NEWS  FOR  ROWLEY 2018

 The club would like to announce the introduction of three new  Carp to the lake. This was a completely unplanned stocking and  done is a rush due to a special offer Lee Clowes found. The 3 fish  stocked weighed, 18, 19 and one 20lb. All the fish are Common  carp from Longreed commons on the south coast of England. All 3  fish are distinctive for different reasons. The 20 in pics 1 and 2 has  a few scales missing on one side and a black mark the size of  thumb print on the other side on just behind its head. The 19lb is  unmarked and a bar of gold. The 18 has a long body shape and a  big scar on it. All 3 are C6 fish and are therefore 6 years old.

                                                                 Andrew Baron

                                                                                    April                                                                                         2018


      Pendle Burnley DAA are very pleased to anounce we   have stocked two new target fish in Rowley and two in   Foulridge These fish im sure you will all agree are a   massive asset to the the club and we hope they just   complete Rowley and make it very good contender as one   of the premier Specimen carp lakes in the north.





31lb 7oz






27lb  8oz

Gavin Cross