


                 FOULRIDGE RESERVOIR

    At the Annual General Meeting Shane Allan our Vice    Chairman gave a update on what plans the club have For    Foulridge Res. Over the next couple of years or sooner if    the club can get volunteers   for the work parties. Click on    Picture for more information

  Next year the club is introducing a scheme where if    you turn up for a work party you will get £5 off your    next years licence 2025/26 if you turn up for 2 you    get  £10 off



       Work party this weekend has been very productive. All    the pegs along the bench have been finished, and a whole    new double peg created. Lots of clearing of branches,    overhanging trees, grass cutting and tidying up the path    have also been done. On Alma the chain peg (Lucas’s peg)

   is now finished and ready to be used. Barrel peg has been    cleared, trees cut back, the overhanging tree has been lifted,    and willows removed. We’ve also started building another    double peg on peg 6.

   Massive thanks to those that came over the weekend. We    really can’t do what we want to make Foulridge better    without your help.

   Lots more improvements planned for next year too.

                 STOCKING FOR FOULRIDGE 2023  

    A lovely first winter stocking for Foulridge today with 350lb     of stunning long awaited Tench fish from 1.5lb to 4lb have     been stocked to continue the stocking plan with more     stocking to come this winter.

   I think you'll all agree this is a much needed stocking of     Tench with some fantastic resident fish already these will     make the perfect addition come spring fishing!!



         PBDAA has today stocked 4 stunning Longreed      Commons into Foulridge as part of an ongoing stocking      program. 4 brilliant additions to the already amazing      stock we now have in the res!!! not as many pictures as     usual as these fish really gave Shane Allen the run around     ( very powerful fish in his own words) thanks for today     Shane.

   Weights at stocking are 19lb, 19lb, 18lb and 17.5lb



  Massive thanks to 5 Star Fisheries Ben and team for today's    Siltex works, especially in that weather. With that the lodge    will reopen for fishing from tomorrow morning.

   We also today stocked 50 carp ranging from 4-8lb as you    can see these have been hand picked, quality stocking of    fish that are recognisable when caught hopefully for years    to come. Please let's all make sure these are looked after.

  We also stocked 12 longreed commons and mirrors around    2 weeks ago that ranged from 9lb to 13lb again adding to    the lodge stocks and giving something different to target.

  Thanks to Paul Mason for helping the lads with the stocking.
