
                      Annual Charity Match 2020

     On Sunday 16/8/2020 the club held the annual charity match    on Foulridge Res. Colne . On the day a total of £250 was    raised for 3 local charity’s      Pendleside Hospice,                Air Ambuiance,  and  Lancashire Wildlife Trust   The club would like to thank our match secretary Matt Heyes.   Without all his hard work the  club would not be able to run    these events.                   



              A lovely fresh stocking of fish today on    Lowerhouse. These fish were stunning to say the least   a    special  mix of commons and scaled mirrors hope you   enjoy    the pictures. 10 fish between 6-10lb and 30   smaller fish

                                                                        Matt  Heyes


       1st STOCKING  FOR  FOULRIDGE 2020

        What's the best way to blow away Monday morning   cobwebs... A further, rather snowy stocking into Foulridge   Reservoir. This morning we have stocked 450lb of a 1000lb   order of fish. Today we stocked carp ranging from 3-5lb   with a smattering of large tench. These fish were absolutely   stunning a mix of common mirror and ghost carp, simply to   up the stocking level and get those silvers and bream   moving about. Yet again fabulous commitment from PBDAA   in the last 16 months we have stocked nearly 1 Tonne of    fish Into the reservoir!!😯 Hope you all enjoy the pictures    have a great Monday



       2nd STOCKING  FOR  FOULRIDGE 2020

    Today saw the second stocking of  the remaining   550lb of carp from the 1000lb order. Truly   stunning fish I'm sure  you'll agree. A mix of   commons and scaled mirrors and even   some fully   scaled mirrors, these will be stunning fish in years   to come. Also,Matt and a few members have now   started  putting fishing platforms on the Dam   Wall. The Club would   like to thank them all for all   their hard work especially Matt  who has been in   contact with the authorities so that the Club could   build the platforms.

                                     Committee  22/3/2020



  Stocking for the new season has began today  at  Foulridge.
 We stocked skimmers from 6oz to 2lb early this  morning and  managed to snap a brilliant picture of the  sunrise over the lake. Absolute quality fish as always no expense spared from  PBDAA to secure the future of the Res. Plans for next year   are well under way with us starting early in preparation for the new season. Hope you all enjoy the pictures we took   along the way!   Tight lines all 

                                           Matt  Hayes  6/11/2019


                      ROWLEY  CLEEN UP 2020

  The Work party on rowley went well this morning. Cheers    to the  lads that gave a hand. Andrew Baron Stuart    Whittaker   Chris'el Toro'Bacchus and saggy (the lopping     king). And  bobby and luci helped move the branches.

   We’ve done up dames side. And a couple of pegs between     high bank and the overflow.

  Next Sunday we are doing from high bank up to peg3 so    those  pegs will be closed for a few hours. All help    welcomed  and  Sorry  for any inconvenience.